Monday, 4 February 2008

Error : Color Configurator HUD not attaching...

If this web page is automatically loading then possibly you are having a problem with the "HUD - Color Configurator" of your vehicle.

The problem is most likely caused as the Color Configurator HUD does not know which vehicle it should color (remember there may be multiple of the same vehicles around you). The only way it knows this for sure is it needs to be 'told' by the driving HUD.

For that reason the "HUD - Color Configurator" will only load correctly when it is loaded from the driving HUD using the "CFG.." button AND that driving HUD is successfully synched (synchronized) with a vehicle - for that to be true you should be sitting in the vehicle as driver.

The owner may be getting an in-world chat message similar to the following (Follow the steps to correct this issue) :
You cannot attach the Color Configurator HUD
directly to yourself from your inventory. Also
in order for it to work you need to have your
driving HUD synched to a car.

You need to :
1) Attach the Driving HUD to yourself
2) Sit in the car you wish to configure
3) Make sure the driving HUD has synched
4) Click the 'CFG..' button on the driving HUD

If the Driving HUD is not correctly synched to a
car, you will get this message too.

Enjoy :)

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